
Beautiful women don’t always have it as easy as one might assume

Learning a few key skills will help you stand out from the crowd. Beautiful women don’t always have it as easy as one might assume. Some beautiful women are hit on by every man she encounters; mostly in quite unimaginative and disrespectful ways. Others are completely avoided, as she intimidates most men with her beauty. Those men who do approach her are very often nervous or cocky and arrogant, trying to impress her or prove she is not special. None of these scenarios is fair, enjoyable or appropriate.
All men need to understand that women are women, regardless of how they look. She takes washes her hands in the bathroom just like your neighbor next door. She eats just like your colleague. She hurts and cries, dreams and laughs, loves and bleeds just like every other woman. Yes, she may move with a little more grace due to excellent breeding. She may have been blessed with more pleasing features (hardly an accomplishment), and she may have legs up to her ears – but she is still a woman.
When you understand this, you can approach any woman, with a polite confident and authenticity that will make her look twice. Now beware; not every beautiful woman is kind. But all kind women are beautiful. So pay attention to her conduct and see how she behaves for a moment. Is she rude to waiters/ staff? Is she always looking in the mirror or taking photos of herself? Does she listen to people, or talk about herself the entire time? As long as she is polite and considerate, she is approachable.
Always dress well if you are trying to get a beautiful woman’s attention. This is a good foundation for anything else you might do. Wear a good quality suit or outfit that you are comfortable in, and make sure your hair is presentable; you don’t want to look scruffy. It goes without saying to keep your best asset in tip top condition, that is, your smile! A friendly man has far better chance with a beautiful woman than one who has his nose in the air, but flashes his Rolex. Good women always care more about getting along with you, than how much money you have.
Work on your body language. How you carry yourself can betray your emotions when you are nervous and apprehensive. You want to come across as confident and self-assured. Stand up straight and walk tall, but not overly cocky. Don’t walk with a slouch or stare at the floor as if you’d rather be anywhere but there in that moment. Keep your head up and survey the room. Have the attitude that you own the room, but you have a live-and-let-live personality. This will make you look poised and in control, but good natured. Catch her eye and don’t look away. Walk slowly, purposefully, and don’t rush across the room.
Making that initial eye contact is all-important to grab her attention. Whether you give an intense, smoldering look, or look at her with a gentle, amused smile, she will notice you looking. If she notices and likes you, she will smile back, or give you an inquisitive look, leaving your opening clear to approach her.
Plan in advance what you should say. There is nothing more nerve-wracking than opening your mouth and nothing comes out lol. Keep it simple and not corny. For example, “Do you have wings? Because you look like an angel”…. PUKE! Talk to her like a Real Person. Because that’s what she is. Just because she’s beautiful, doesn’t change who she is inside.
Make it clear you are not hitting on her, but you’re interested in getting to know her as a friend first. Nothing is more alluring to a woman than a man who is not trying to get something from her. Why do you think they love their gay friends?? Have list of things that you can refer to such as – can I get you another drink? Or, are you from around here? These are simple and inoffensive. You should come across as genuine. Then you can approach other questions like “What do you do?” and “What kind of food do you like?”, “Have you traveled much?” etc.
If you manage to engage her in a conversion, be attentive and interested, like any new person you meet and chat with; genuinely listen. Speak slowly and confidently, share tasteful experiences, and don’t be afraid to ask gentle, non-invasive questions about her. Be yourself, be natural, and don’t forget to smile.
Also, don’t be afraid to compliment her. Yes, she hears compliments all the time – but sometimes she doesn’t, because people assume she already knows. Every woman likes to hear a genuine compliment. Don’t gush, or tell her she’s beautiful too many times, or compliment her non-stop. Just maybe lean in, staring into her eyes, and say ‘wow your eyes are really beautiful – I’m not just saying that lol!” Making her laugh as well, will definitely break the ice.
If you get her number at the end of the evening, congratulate yourself on a job well done! Take a day or two, then call her to hang out again.
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