
How safe is your privacy with Escorts, really?

How safe is your privacy with Escorts, really?The question of confidentiality comes down to the level of quality you choose for yourself.. Men will often select only the best in travel, conveyance, attire, beverages and domicile – but when it comes to the company they keep and their relaxation/ emotional connection, they will try to skimp and save! Cutting corners is rarely a wise choice when it comes to comfort, and the same applies when it comes to the energy to which you expose yourself.
Some gentlemen feel safer somehow with an beijing independent escort, thinking she will not expose him. However this is no guarantee, as we have seen most of those VIPs discovered with a professional companion, were exposed by her, an independent escort… Of course we cannot generalize – there are plenty of independents who operate with integrity and honor. However there are also many whose main drive is money. If they can blackmail you or find a way to not only be paid for her story, but also promote herself for free – at the expense of your reputation, pretending she had nothing to do with it, she will… So this is no real solution either.
While the old adage “you get what you pay for” may apply in most situations, sadly it no longer applies in the companion industry. (Although of course seeking out the lower end of the industry will bring less chance of discretion than at the upmarket end!) What I’m saying is that unfortunately, one can no longer depend on confidentiality, just because one is paying a premium or requesting privacy. The only way to ensure this, is to follow the reputation of a beijing escort agency.
Even THAT is not necessarily a guarantee, as there have been plenty of ladies and agencies who do remain close-mouthed while in business, for their own benefit, BUT as soon as there is a sign of trouble, they spill their client list faster than a child caught shoplifting… So how to ensure one’s personal details will be protected, and not made public knowledge for the agency owners’ benefits or private escort’s ‘accidental’ promotion at a later date?
Using a reputable, professional dating agency should bring with it a certain level of protection. Like any truly five star, high quality establishment, privacy and confidentiality is an understood provision of luxury. Discretion is everything in the world of high society. Problems occur when we have low quality individuals whose sole goal is money, masquerading as ‘high class’. One way to assess this is the consider the language utilized on their website and in their marketing. The image they have chosen with which to represent themselves. The articulation of the telephonists, or at least the process with which they cater for your inquiry.
For example, China Companion® is one of the few agencies that is operated by an educated manager of upper class background. You will easily see the high standards with which the agency is operated and presented, and the open promises it makes to protect privacy and identity – not that this is any guarantee, as anyone could claim to provide privacy, then what will stop them from discarding that promise when the chips are down…? In this day and age, where honor, honesty and integrity are but rare jewels in just a few crowns..
You can only be truly protected when the agency follows through with legal documentation. Any agency willing to sign on the dotted line, will most definitely be an agency you can trust. And this will include proof of the company name (ie registration certificates).

